Complete missions,



Throw the dices away, no random luck involved.

The Spy Missions Rewards has nothing to do with luck. Winning free games depends only on you. Our game reviews help gamers build their own opinions about games and do a better use of their money.

And no better demonstration of our purpose than saving our supporters money by giving away free games. Start by completing the Mission 1 tasks and to really get involved, check the Spy Academy Page.

Mission 1 – Recon

Section divider for Mission 1: Recon

Your training starts with Mission 1. Complete the 3 tasks and pick your reward.

Mission 1 Rewards

Bronze Ticket Redemption
To redeem tickets you need Spy Points.
​Earn points and redeem tickets on Twitch or Youtube chat, points from both platforms don’t add up.
To redeem on Youtube, type !redeembronze at the chat.
To redeem on Twitch, select the item on the chat points menu.
Spy will contact you after the redemption is made.
Click here to learn how to earn Spy Points.


Off-duty period Logo

Off-duty period
​After you redeem the Mission 1 reward, you need to rest 30 days before starting Mission 2. ​You can use this time to get some Spy Points for the next mission.


Monday mornings all tickets values are adjusted. A reward redemption on Mission 1 adds 50 Spy Points to the cost of all 3 tickets. Be quick about it!

Mission 2 – Engage

Section divider for Mission 2: Engage

After Mission 1, you will be ready for Mission 2. Complete the 3 tasks and pick your second reward.

Mission 2 Rewards

Silver Ticket Redemption
To redeem tickets you need Spy Points.
​Earn points and redeem tickets on Twitch or Youtube chat, points from both platforms don’t add up.
To redeem on Youtube, type !redeemsilver at the chat.
To redeem on Twitch, select the item on the chat points menu.
Spy will contact you after the redemption is made.
Click here to learn how to earn Spy Points.


Off-duty period Logo

Off-duty period.
After you redeem the Mission 2 reward, you need to rest 60 days before starting Mission 2. ​You can also use this time to get the Spy Points for Mission 3.


Monday mornings all tickets values are adjusted. A reward redemption on Mission 2 adds 100 Spy Points to the cost all 3 tickets. Be quick about it!

Mission 3 – Conquer

Section divider for Mission 3: Conquer

After Mission 2, you will be ready for Mission 3. Complete the 3 tasks and pick your third reward.

Task II

Invite a Friend to do Mission 1

Have a friend complete Mission 1

MIssion 1 & 2

Tasks Revalidation made by Spy

Mission 3 Rewards

Golden Ticket Redemption
To redeem tickets you need Spy Points.
​Earn points and redeem tickets on Twitch or Youtube chat, points from both platforms don’t add up.
To redeem on Youtube, type !redeemgolden at the chat.
To redeem on Twitch, select the item on the chat points menu.
Spy will contact you after the redemption is made.
Click here to learn how to earn Spy Points.


Off-duty period Logo

Off-duty period.
After you redeem the Mission 3 reward, you need to rest 120 days to start over. You can also use this time to get the Spy Points for the next run.


Monday mornings all tickets values are adjusted. A reward redemption on Mission 2 adds 200 Spy Points to the cost all 3 tickets. Be quick about it!

How to Earn Spy Points

Section How to Redeem Tickets

Earn Spy Points watching live streams on Youtube or Twitch.


Spy Points can be earned by watching Youtube live streams.

There are 4 different ways to get Spy Points. One of them is really easy, earn 300 points by subscribing to the channel. Set your subscription to public or you won’t get these points.

Type on Stream Chat !points to know how many points you have and !tickets to redeem tickets.

Earn Points on Youtube

Watch for 5 minutes +10 points
Chat every 5 minutes +25 points
Subscribe to channel +300 points
Donation +100 points every US$1.00

Click on this link to check how many Spy Points each ticket is worth.


Spy Points can also be earned at Twitch, but they don’t add up with the points you get on Youtube.

There are 7 different ways to get Spy Points (click at the image). One of them is really easy, earn 300 points by following Spy.

Amazon Prime members can sub for FREE every month and get point multipliers. There’s a 30-day free trial, a great initial boost!

Earn Points on Twitch

The Partisan Spy Twitch Page

Youtube Streaming Schedule:
Fridays – 7:00 PM ET
+Random streams at weekends.


Twitch Streaming Schedule:
Early Access games exclusives or special occasions.


The Partisan Spy reserve the right to review or cancel rewards requests based on any suspicion of fraud, exploitation, cheat, or abuse. Validation of Spy Points is directly related to user presence on live streams, even if just watching.