This video on Grounded Beginners Guide will save you at least 4 hours of gameplay. Watch the video and follow the step-by-step to learn what you should do on the first day at the Backyard.


Day 1 at the Backyard is the second video of a series for The Grounded Beginners Guide. If you still don’t know the basics of the game, it is recommended to first watch Part 1 of the Grounded Beginners Guide.


For more experienced players, you can jump through the guide and learn specific things by clicking on the video timestamps below:

  1. List of things you will learn with the beginners’ guide
  2. First thing to do: collect
  3. What to analyze first: Plant Fiber, Sprig, and Sap
  4. How to Craft Pebblet Hammer and Pebblet Axe
  5. Mission The Mysterious Machine: Investigate the Mysterious Machine
  6. How to Craft your first weapon, the Spiky Sprig
  7. How to Craft a Torch
  8. Mission The Mysterious Machine: Fixing the third laser
  9. How to Find your first SCA.B Scheme: Miterider
  10. Mission The Mysterious Machine: Investigate the Mysterious Machine further
  11. How to get safely to the Pond
  12. How to build a workbench
  13. Mission The Mysterious Machine: Investigate the explosion at the oak tree
  14. How to open the Oak Lab Door
  15. How to kill TAYZ.T
  16. Where is the Grasslands BURG.L Chip
  17. How to Build a Storage Chest
  18. How to Craft an Acorn Armor Set
  19. How to Craft an Acorn Shovel
  20. Crafting 10 Fiber Bands
  21. How to Craft a Canteen
  22. Inventory for Day 2


Click here for the full Grounded Dossier Guide.


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