Grounded: Location of All 45 Mega Milk Molars
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There are 45 mega milk molars in Grounded and this video shows the location of all of them. The mega milk molars are organized in a similar order as quests should be done and by area of the backyard.
Use the video timestamps below to jump to the location of the milk molar you are searching for:
- Oak Tree Area, 3 Milk Molars
- Grasslands Area, 2 Milk Molars
- Hedge Area, 3 Milk Molars
- Pond Area, 3 Milk Molars
- Haze Area, 3 Milk Molars
- West Lower Yard, 8 Milk Molars
- West Upper Yard, 7 Milk Molars
- East Upper Yard, 7 Milk Molars
- Stump Lab Area, 2 Milk Molars
- Undershed Area, 5 Milk Molars
- Moldorc Castle Area, 2 Milk Molars
Click here for the full Grounded Quest and Collectible Guide.
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After beating the game and going home can you get small and return to the backyard again? If so will all your stuff be there?
Yes, the game will do an autosave that allows you to go back to the moment before you end the game and everything will be there. 👍