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Welcome to the final chapter of the Grounded Weapons Guide, Chapter 5, Weapons Recommendation! Find out what are the best weapons to have in Grounded. It was a journey full of discoveries, every chapter brought new things to us. If you feel a little bit lost on this chapter don’t panic! Just go back and start the series from chapter 1. Access the Grounded Weapons Guide playlist here.

The Weapons Guide series covers:

If you want to jump through the tutorial, below follow the timestamps links of the video:

  1. Comparing Type of Strike and Forged Upgrade
  2. Weapons Guide Cheat Sheet
  3. First Best Weapon: Insect Bow + Mint Arrows
  4. Second Best Weapon: Fresh Spider Fang Dagger
  5. Third Best Weapon: Spicy Club of the Mother Demon
  6. Fourth Best Weapon: Salty Antlion Greatsword
  7. Mutations Recommendations for Combat
  8. Armor Recommendations for Combat
  9. Become a Member of the Spy Academy


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